Planet: Critical
Planet: Critical
Social Tipping Points | Erin Remblance

Social Tipping Points | Erin Remblance

How to engineer change
Cross-post from Planet: Critical
It was such a pleasure to be invited on to Rachel Donald's Planet: Critical podcast to discuss social tipping points, degrowth, power and much more. I hope you enjoy this conversation. There is, of course, so much more in this space than I could convey in an hour, but hopefully it generates some food for thought. Please do reach out if you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share. -

Here’s the good news: People can change—quickly.

Sometimes it feels impossible to imagine anything other than collapse with the way our energy systems are designed, the corruption in governance, and the financial motives which skew the present system towards profit over everything else. It’s true that if nothing changes, the global system will collapse. But it’s also true that people are capable of amazing feats of imagination and adaptation—especially social imagination.


This week I’m joined by Erin Remblance, degrowth advocate and co-founder of ReBiz, an “un/school” designed to equip all people with the worldview and skills to create regenerative and pluriversal post-growth futures. ReBiz offers a core course on social tipping points and Erin joined me to discuss exactly that: What are social tipping points? And, importantly, how do we create them? This is a conversation about technology, economy, imagination, politics and a just transition—because most people are good people.

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Planet: Critical
Planet: Critical
Planet: Critical is the podcast for a world in crisis. We face severe climate, energy, economic and political breakdown. Journalist Rachel Donald interviews those confronting the crisis, revealing what's really going on—and what needs to be done.
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Appears in episode
Rachel Donald
Erin Remblance